Now Available in the Rio Grande Valley

If you’re interested in a rewarding career that makes you highly employable, becoming a security guard might be for you. Emerald Shield Academy’s security training classes are easily accessible and available throughout the year and by request.

Courses Offered

Emerald Shield Academy offers a variety of training and certification courses in addition to its long-term programs.

  • Advanced Security Officers Training
  • Texas Personal Protection Officer
  • In-Service Firearms Training for Security and Special Officers
  • Security Officer Baton Recertification
  • Security Officer Taser Recertification
  • Security Officer Pepper Spray (Oleoresin Capsicum) Recertification
  • Introduction To Firearms Safety
  • NRA Firearm Courses
  • License to Carry Handgun Course

Level III Commissioned Security Guard Training

This course is needed to apply for a Commissioned Security Guard (Armed Guard). The Basic Security Officer Course is offered as a 56-hour comprehensive block of instruction that incorporates training in Report Writing, Firearms and all training requirements set forth by the Texas Department of Public Safety Private Security Bureau.

Level III Advanced Security Guard Training

The Advanced Course continues with an additional 24 hours of training to include less-than-lethal force weapons, defensive tactics training, first aid and CPR training and certification.

Level IV Security Guard Training

This course is needed to apply for a Personal Protection Officer (Body Guard) license. The Level IV course is offered as a 24-hour comprehensive block of instruction which includes fifteen (15) hours of classroom training and six (6) hours of firearms training. Must be  a current Level III Commissioned Security Officer

Private Investigator Training

This course is needed to apply for Private Investigator License. This program is a comprehensive coverage of what it means to be a Private Investigator in Texas and the rules and laws governing that occupation. This course is required if your desire is to be a Bounty Hunter in Texas.

Apprenticeship Program

Graduates will receive further, specialized, on-the-job training (OJT) with their hiring agency depending upon their job description.

Additional Resources

Emerald Shield Academy is Licensed by the Texas Department of Public Safety – Private Security Board. Lic. # F18887501 and Y12704301